I ask you, how would you classify yourself? Are you one of those people who are in the now? Or are you the other kind that’s the “down the road” type? The things that you do, do you do them to benefit now or later?
For me, personally, I’m a “now” girl. I’m the girl who spends every last dime in her bank account because it just burns a hole a whole sitting there. I’m the one who has the savings account to solely protect against unfortunate, but inevitable, overdraft fees. I’m a freelancer, so I work job to job. One job might last for two weeks and another job might last four months. Right now, if you asked me what I would be working on in three weeks, I honestly, could not tell you. I take it as it all comes my way. Maybe I’m irresponsible or just too laid back, but honestly, I just do what I want. I think the saying is, “I’m old enough to know better, but young enough not to care.” I’m 25-years-old. What rush am I in to think about the future?
I mean have been in two serious relationships in my life. The first one would be with a Mr. Randolph Towers (my first post-college apartment building). My oh my, he was great; a little rough around the edges, but all-in-all, very reliable. He did have a tendency to smell a bit during the hot and humid summer months, but because I was in love, I learned to deal with it. He lasted about 2 years and 5 months. To date, the longest. The next longest commitment I have ever been in was with a certain Mr. PricewaterhouseCoopers (first full-time job). Sometimes he treated me well, and other times, I wanted to smack him. That worked out for about a decent 23 months, but of course, I got bored and antsy. It was time to move on.
So I think it’s safe for me to say and for you to assume, that I have never been in a relationship. Have I ever wanted to, ehh… maybe when I was in high school. Nowadays, I just laugh at that statement, and you can feel free take that as me saying HELL NO.
For all of you romantic saps out of there, no, this is not a tragedy. I actually like to think it’s the smart move. I was watching the return of One Tree Hill on Monday night (yes, I’m obsessed with just about every CW tv show that comes out), and I was watching Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols rekindle their on-screen relationship. Meanwhile they are a legitimate couple off-screen as well. Obviously, when you spend so much time with another person, it’s not unusual to start having feelings for the other person. I’m sure most of us have been there before. But what happens when you’re in an off-screen relationship with an on-screen co-worker and things end worse than the expected coming apocalypse?
Then, I remembered, Sophia Bush was once married to Chad Michael Murray. Their relationship only lasted five months before the impending and inevitable divorce happened after rumors surfaced that he cheated on her with Paris Hilton while filming the Wax House. I mean really, cheating on your wife while making one of
Then, there’s the whole Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz reunion in “Bad Teacher.” As we all saw on the covers of every single tabloid, I’m sure that Jessica Biel was not very happy with that little arrangement. God only knows that if I had a boyfriend like him, and he was working with someone like her, I would be on set everyday making sure that no hanky-panky was going on.
I don’t know how these people do it. I, often say that I’m socially awkward. Some people believe be, and some people don’t. Can you imagine how I would act if I had to pretend to be my real-life ex-boyfriend’s fake girlfriend solely for entertainment purposes? Dude, I would go absolutely nutso. That’s like cruel and unusual punishment. So to all of you ladies and gents out there, who put aside their personal feelings and work closely with an ex-significant other, give yourself a big ol’ pat on the back because there is no way in the world I could ever do what you do. You, my friends, deserve some sort of shiny and pretty trophy.
hahaha can't get over the Randolph Towers comment - the smell is back and it misses you! :)